"I do not want to live in a communist state" |
"People make lots of money off of UofA students and then call the police for every little thing. Tucson City Code, Section 13-32, unruly gathering of more than 6 persons. Many landlords rent to more than 6 students, putting tenants in violation just by renting. Complaints can be made anonymously and student tenants have very little recourse." |
"I would build a wall between the US and Mexico" |
"There is no regional vision. All jurisdictions seem to work independently and against each other on major issues." |
"It bothers me that people are segregated geographically based on socioeconomic background. In general, the poorer communities have less access to healthy foods, good schools, and have neighborhoods that are filled with businesses that hurt their situations even more (i.e. check cashing and payday loan businesses)." |
"On Nov 2, police cried that if the tax wasn't passed we'd be losing officers. On Nov 3, suddenly no officers were being laid off- did something radical change in those 12 hours? I feel deceived and probably won't vote in support of City initiatives again for years." |
"Government reacts to demands of high profile residents, regardless of what research and planning recommend. Half of failures like Rio Nuevo came from reversing direction in response to such demands. Come up with a plan, stick with it, make it work." |
"The youth gets overlooked sometimes in our busy lifestyle. They need to feel included and loved." |
"Christians are criticized" |
"Road rage" |
"Growing intolerance of Latino community members" |
"Community self-hate (we criticize ourselves a lot!)" |
"As much as diversity is a positive in Tucson, the hispanic (mexican) influence is equally negative. It creates a public safety challenge and through recent boycott messages it has now had a negative economic influence." |
"Distrust of motives among groups" |
"I wish business and neighborhood people would stop being so self-centered and become real community stewards." |
"Poverty and division between haves and have nots � very little mixing between" |
"Sense of individualism works against working together" |
". . . the tale of two cities" |
"Southern Arizona state representation is a sad reflection of the extreme. They need to go." |
"Focus on 'my neighborhood' versus what is best for all" |
"I have lived here for 30 years and we're still fighting about the same issues today as we were back then. We need true leaders in our community. It's time to vote in people that want the best for our entire region, not just their neighborhood interests. We need visionaries from the public, private, and educational sectors." |
"Differences may become obstacles" |
". . . most of the community is apathetic, but it doesn't have to be that way" |
"While we seem to respect and even value diversity within our community, we do not work well across differences. Until we learn to do this better we will not realize our full potential." |
"Perception of the division of the city (Southside, etc.)" |
"Growing lack of "ownership" that seems to come with population growth" |