Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

Marana Public Community Conversation
Wheeler Taft Library,  Marana
Date of Conversation: Tuesday, November 16, 2010  Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Facilitator: Patrick Hartley  Recorder: Lindsey
Number of Tables: 1  Number of Participants: 7
Theme 1. Government
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  More civil-mindedness
  Leaders with vision
  Proactive intelligent growth
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Been here since 1973, can remember the idea of putting a freeway up. Someone needs to own it
  Having a clear vision and doing what needs to be done
  Everything's based locally just to do same old same old
  Very little ownership in the town, branch town
  No leadership that is willing to take the risks, move forward, be progressive
  "Rio Nuevo" unfortunately went badly
  A lot of caretakers but no one a/ a big idea
  Because of economics (developers need to make profit)
  Things seem haphazard. Slap development up here/there
  Tucson native - not enjoying this place upon coming back here
  If no one is paying attention you get what you deserve
  Population needs to invest in what's going on
Theme 2. Leadership
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Local government excluding City of Tucson and Pima County
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  9 month cycle because people who can bail in summer
  Less regulation
  Poor traffic plans
  Less indecision - more action
  Government greater fiscal responsibility
  Local government infighting
  Improve the flow of traffic (It is happening).
  Create more base, good-paying jobs.
  Create more certainty in state government, to include taxation & provision of services.
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  No meetings in summer months (ex. ADOT)
  We do stuff that leads to development b/c something needed to happen. Gobbly gook instead of plan from leaders
  We don't have a goal but we need to break and eat everyday
  Need a vision and outline !?end. Won't make everyone happy - need a positive spin to sell it
  Just like it marketing, need a vision or you're dead in the water
  Vision to see it done. We don't have that vision
Theme 3. Culture
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Really big small town
  People quality people
  Small town
  General friendliness
  Cultural opportunities & history
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Limited retail shopping
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Diversity issue: 1070 (gorilla in the room)
  History of how we got to this point ? good to know before we move forward
  Marana culture is farming - Natives farmed by the river
  Might have different knowledge from other areas
  Tucson Meet Yourself a huge festival that is a positive step
  Intrinsic bond, transient population
  Can shoot yourself in the foot with this small town outlook
  Can be across town and run into someone you know. How does that happen? Very unique to Tucson. One of the biggest reasons that someone might stay here
Theme 4. Sustainability Conservation Water "over arching" topic
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Green jobs
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Foods Access
  Resource use energy
  Smarter planning>development
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  We have people in this region that can answer that (about solar) - local organizations, nonprofits, individuals. Groups here are heavily involved in education to help create local abundance.
  Want to hear in unbiased way the technical components of possibilities and problems with solar energy. Want this discussion . Maybe it's beyond our capacity. Is it doable?
  Movement towards becoming a base for solar. Seems like a no brainer
Theme 5. Weather and Climate
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  The weather's OK, most of the time
Theme 6. Desert & Mountains
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  I like the mountains, the desert and the outdoor opportunities they offer
  Desert mountains
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  This is good because focus on doing things in own neighborhood bands neighborhoods (response to previous statement)
  Things are regional now instead of mountain top to mountain top
  Fundamental shift after 2000 away from 9 month cycle, now it's back
  People from U of A leave for summer
  Family parks, recreation, ? Trails, bike lanes tie us together and unique to Tucson. Goes into desert, mountains "big small town", friendliness
  Tourism/retiree? attracts ? people (snowbirds) (drawing of saguaro and mountains)
  Quality of life issues: attract families because of hikes and parks
  Leadership could lessen our opportunity to enjoy this
  This is our personality that's bigger than us.
  Such an asset

Tuesday, December 07, 2010