Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

U of A Planning Class - Table 1
CALA Building University of Arizona,  Tucson
Date of Conversation: Thursday, December 02, 2010  Time: 3:30 – 5:30 PM
Facilitator: Sandra Bernal  Recorder: Patrick Hartley
Number of Tables: 2  Number of Participants: 12
Theme 1. Parks and Recreation
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Biker friendly (relatively)
  Outdoor activities
  I like the sunny days so we can be outside a lot
  Outdoor activities
  Biker friendly
  Big Parks
  I like the bike trails and biking can be a realistic alternative
  Outdoor Amenities (hiking, bike trails, etc.)
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Change development of community preferred plan
  Outdoor seating
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Good for wildlife
  Good way to meet people and socialize
  More opportunity for water recharge (pervious surfaces)
  Increases property values
  Promotes an active lifestyle
  Cools the city (mitigates effects of urban heat island)
  Mental and physical well-being of residents
  Breaks up buildings, gives variety to the urban form
  Provide people with green space and an opportunity for health
Theme 2. Transportation
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Plan for the light rail
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Lots of congestion
  Mass transportation
  Reduce traffic (cars)
  Too many visible parking lots
  Lack of public transit
  Add more public transportation
  Lack of public transit
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Transportation underlies all other problems (along with the media)
  People feel unsafe and harassed at bus stops. It's not practical or safe
  Provide shade at bust stops
  Provide amenities on buses to encourage usage (ex. Free wi-fi)
  Mentality and culture need to change (bike lanes alone won't solve the problem)
  Needs to be more bike lanes and trails
  We should have alternative transportation nodes to encourage alternative transportation
  Some bus stops are privately owned
  Private funding encourages sprawl
  Improve the integration of cars and bikes
  Equity, public transit helps those that can't afford a car
  Street width encouraged car dependency
  Dark skies ordinance harms safety standards (yellow lights around U of A)
  Product of sprawl, it goes hand-in-hand
  Improve road surfaces. This is a safety issue
  Should shut down some streets
  Stigma attached to public transit
  It encourages denser development. Tucson needs transit!
Theme 3. Sprawl and Development Patterns
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  I like the size of the city. Not too big and easy to get around
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Limit sprawl
  Too much sprawl
  Spread out
  Multiple central business districts
  The sprawling bland urban landscape
  Very spread out city
  Sprawling, need to cluster communities (drawing of mixed-up arrows going everywhere)
  Very spread out. Cars are necessary because distances are not walkable
  Density- too spread out!
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Contributes to Greenhouse gas emissions
  It's really repetitive
  It's lonely
  We still think in terms of single-family detached residences (The "American Dream"). Different times now
  Damages economy - no one wants to leave their houses to see a band play etc.
  It's inefficient (waste of space, resources, time, and it's expensive)
  Lack of central planning
  There are many vacant commercial spaces (sprawl increases vacancy rates)
  Sprawled, low-density development is visually boring
  "Cool points" (social standing) dependent on car
  Destruction/disturbance of wildlife
  Dehumanizes - encourages everyone to be the same. Works against diversity
  Promotes segregation
  Limits access to public facilities
  Not socially just
  Sprawl=Increased travel time
  Sprawl=driving=car accidents
  Very disconnected community, no sense of relationships
  It results in more drinking and driving (have to go across town to bars)
  It separated people, separates community
Theme 4. Agriculture
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Like the Farmer's Markets
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  More emphasis on agriculture
Theme 5. Downtown
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Organic growth
  Investment in Downtown
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Make downtown more of a destination
Theme 6. Creativity
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Underground musician network
  Southwestern architecture
  Tucson is creative
Theme 7. Public Policy and Safety
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Building code enforcement
  Government's inability to accomplish any goals
  Rundown areas - old buildings not maintained
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Wild West of public policy, the biggest guns get the biggest policy wins
  Lack of leadership
  Stakeholders have conflicting interests
  Things are too ad hoc
  Lots of talk about sustainability but no action
  Tucson needs a sustainable comprehensive plan
  Lack of central planning- every neighborhood is doing its own thing
Theme 8. Ecosystem
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Mild Winter
  The Sonoran Desert environment and culture
  Mountain Views
  Mountain Views
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Air quality
Theme 9. Pedestrian Safety
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Tucson needs more sidewalks
  Needs to be safer 4 walking for pedestrians
Theme 10. Education and Human Capital
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  U of A
  U of A area (but ASU is still #1)
  University area, 4th, U of A campus
  Areas around the University (mixed use, diverse, 4th Ave, University Ave)
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Poor education
  Lack of economic opportunities
  Lawmakers need to value education, not building prisons
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Education provides innovation
  Humans aren't looked at as how they can be improved (only how they can be controlled)
  Education is essential for workforce and skill development
  Political environment affects schools through funding
  Schools isolate children- they should be out in the community socializing
  Increases median income
  It decreases crime
  Good education attracts investment to the community
  Education is a gateway to opportunities and quality of life
  U of A is a center for research
  U of A education monopoly in Tucson
  U of A very practical, not so theoretical - gives hands-on experience
  Bring agriculture into schools and cities
  Arizona ranks very low in funding for education, very high for prisons
  Cultural community goes with education
  Mentoring programs
  Things around campus appeal to young people (nightlife, walking)
Theme 11. Human Diversity
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Close to my family in Mexico
  Interesting people
  The multicultural communities
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Concentration of different nationalities into separate neighborhoods
  It's not the message, it's the method of delivery (SB1070 wasn't presented well)
  Gives a negative connotation to immigrants
  SB1070 takes attention away from local police forces (should be the Border Patrol)
  SB1070 discourages diversity, increases racial profiling
  Equal representation of people (religion, education, views) - it's fun
  "why eat a cheeseburger when there is a taco stand around"
  Increases quality of life - makes daily life interesting
  Diversity=Growth (both in terms of population and personal)
  The University brings people from all over the world
  It is important in general
  We are a border town

Tuesday, December 14, 2010