Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

Jewish Family and Community Services
(with clients' needs in mind)
4301 East 5th St.,  Tucson
Date of Conversation: Wednesday, January 26, 2011  Time: 10:00 � 11:00 AM
Facilitator: Patrick Hartley  Recorder: Sue Morman
Number of Tables: 1  Number of Participants: 26
Theme 1. Safety
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Lack of safety
  Safety while out in the community
  Clean up crime
Theme 2. Economy
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Cost of living
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  The economy - average income needs to increase
  Business unfriendly
Theme 3. Community Services and Health
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Free community services - school, counseling, transportation
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  More services in the home
  Mental health support/insurance for seriously mentally ill (SMI) and low income stinks
  More services
  More funding for senior support services
  Lack mental health care
  Activities - not much to do for teens, kids, or the elderly
  More activities for teens
  Lack of services, poor community activities
  More community centers and activities for teens
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Get to know your neighbors - have community seating in all neighborhoods
  Isolated community - we need to connect the elderly with children
  We need to connect all separate ages of the community together
  Hard to develop a sense of community
  Hard to meet people - overcome difficulties to get places by better transportation
  Maximize everyone's participation by dealing with basic issues; so food and shelter are not so much a drain on their resources and they can concentrate on their overall wellbeing
  Provide and improve ability to nurture
  Find ways for teenagers to belong to the community
  Creating activities would provide a sense of belonging
  We have less affordable access to health care and mental health services - particularly for lower- to middle income families
  Greater need for parenting support- educate parents, especially those that are new parents and may need some assistance with how to help their kids
  Need more prevention and rehab programs
  As a community we need to make an effort to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues
  Needs to be improvements and efforts to stamp out drug usage
  Drug education for everyone to help parents determine if their children are abusing drugs
  Serious mental illness puts more strains on families and the communities
  Services are lacking; from police to mental health and beyond
  The aging community need more programs to assist them
  There should be more teen programs to provide alternative to gangs
  It reduces community stress
  It increases safety and improves life
  As we improve our community services the economy will improve, and as the economy improves, the capacity to provide more community services increases
  Better community services for those that need them most increases the sense of belonging
Theme 4. Transportation
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Less traffic than the east or west coast
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Expanded affordable transportation
  Traffic congestion
  Improve public transportation systems
  Lack of transportation
  Easier access driving across town
  Better public transportation
Theme 5. Community Culture and Lifestyle
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Outdoor activities - Desert Museum, zoo, Mt. Lemmon, Biking
  Outdoor activities
  Outdoor opportunities
  Small town atmosphere
  Easy access to marijuana and drugs
  Close to California and Mexico
  Casual lifestyle
  Sense of community (friends/interests)
  Community closeness
  Small-town atmosphere
  The friendliness of the people
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  More ways to build support (meeting new people, access to sports)
  Communication barrier between English and Spanish speakers
Theme 6. Climate
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Weather and scenery
  The weather
Theme 7. Education
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Education stinks
  More teachers and education for our children
  Public education
  Poor education
  Education - i.e. no art or music etc.
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Students act out if their attention isn't captured in a creative and interesting way
  Lack of an education for parents, results in poor education for children - the parents aren't aware of or don't have the resources to locate the best schools and education opportunities
  The public education system doesn't provide or adhere to benchmarks- they pass students even if they don't master the fundamentals
  Resources are limited for special learners and students with ADD etc.
  We are 49th in state education rankings
  Education is the way to improve future of Tucson and the economy, also need to improve adult education
  Change - the legislators views about and support of education
  Change the value of education in legislators minds
  Increase the trade labor pool by providing education
  Need to bring back shop/art/music/gym/home economics (a well-rounded education) in schools
  Lack of an educated labor pool results in no business coming to Tucson
  Increase mentor programs (big brothers/big sisters type programs) for elementary through High School
  The most important things are the economy, safety and education. If we improve our education system, we will improve the economy

Tuesday, February 01, 2011