Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

29th Street Coalition
Hardesty Center, 1100 S. Alvernon Wy,  Tucson
Date of Conversation: Thursday, January 27, 2011  Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Facilitator: Patrick Hartley  Recorder: Joanie Sawyer
Number of Tables: 1  Number of Participants: 12
Theme 1. Greening of Tucson
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Focus on improving Tucson
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  I want more "green" initiatives
  Increase the use of solar energy
Theme 2. Natural Environment
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Mountains and hiking/nature nearby
  Sonoran desert and mountain ranges
  No snow (decent weather) even the heat is ok
  Access to outdoor living
Theme 3. Cultural Diversity
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Bilingual and bicultural
  Trans-cultural (hi)story
  Diversity of culture
  Tucson Meet Yourself
  Great population diversity
  Diversity of cultures and it's expanding
  Local aviation history
  Culture mix
  Thriving arts community that makes us unique and special
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Willingness to be offensive (aggressive bumper stickers, etc.)
Theme 4. Economic Development
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Small business environment
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Better high paying jobs
  Improve support of business environment (costs of running a business)
  Improve private/public funding opportunities
Theme 5. Urban Planning and the Environment
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Relatively low light pollution
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Have an urban equivalent of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan that protects people and the urban environment
  Enhance/create a vibrant Downtown - one that draws all residents (e.g. TMY) Need stores, more affordable restaurants, and more public events
  Uncontrolled sprawl
  A systematic plan to improve the aesthetic/visual condition of our community
  More compact urban development
Theme 6. Transportation and Accessibility
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  My neighborhood is in a centralized area
  Easy access to most points of interest
  Bicycle friendly town
  Good traffic arteries
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Streets get flooded with a heavy rain
  Transportation (intra and inter regional) Grant-JARC
  Availability of public transportation
  Bring in Light Rail!
  Better regional public transportation
  More events and access to some of our senior citizens
  More attention to transportation services for senior citizens and the disabled
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Public transportation provides a place for social interaction, less congestion, and reduced pollution
  Focus transportation more on seniors and the disabled
  Need to develop transportation initiatives for residents
  29th St CAN- should expand this to other parts of the region
  Seniors need assistance in getting around. It is difficult for those in wheelchairs to take the bus
  There is need for public transportation to get people downtown
  Transportation choices have a major impact on the environment
  It used to be easy to get around Tucson, but now it's scary to drive downtown
  There is a lack of response from council members
  With people being laid off, we have a loss of institutional knowledge
  Department heads have too much infighting. Worried about their own department instead of the larger picture
  We need to listen to the experts - they have technical knowledge of the transportation system
  Cutting down on traffic will reduce potholes and maintenance costs
  Need to consider how widening roadways affects neighborhoods
Theme 7. Education
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  The University of Arizona (research)
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Schools, for the most part, stink (insufficient)
  More funding for K-12 education
  Need stronger support for public schools
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Parents don't get involved anymore - we need to compete with other countries, but how can we do that if some parents just don't care enough
  Some Charter schools should be shut down because they lack accountability and are not providing a high quality education
  Kids are calling out for attention and adult engagement
  Each classroom is different - some are very high quality; others, not so much
  Middle school can be a training ground for dysfunction. Kids are not thriving
  We have failing high school students
  Liberal Arts as well as technology are important, because what's the point in having new technology if we don't have the soul to appreciate it with (Liberal Arts education can provide that soul)
  Our future needs to focus on training our youth in technology
  I would hate to see us become a big business town, but why don't we utilize those educated at the University to bring in new jobs
  We are the new Mississippi - 49th in education funding
Theme 8. Community Caring
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Small town feel
  A substantial body of people that care about social justice and quality of life issues
  Folks willing to create events and opportunities for others
  Friendliness of people
  Community's eagerness to get involved
  Small downtown with many diversities
  Feeling of community
  Volunteerism; people really seem to care for each other (more so than in other cities where I've lived)
  Friends and family
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  I want fewer people living on the street
  Disconnected youth/people- bully culture
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  What are the barriers to helping others? How do we get past the fear?
  Those of us that have lived in a big city value that this is a caring community
  It's something that we don't want to lose
  Caring in part of the culture of Tucson
  We need to maintain the small town feel - the "village sense"
  A caring community is an effective community. Lot's of good ideas come from it
  One of Tucson's attributes is that it is a caring community
  Cars create isolation and we are too busy
Theme 9. Government and Leadership
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Opportunity for innovation
  Opportunity for growth
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Inequalities of resources (schools, opportunities, jobs, housing, etc.)
  Friendlier downtown business attitude
  Better county involvement in outlying communities
  Getting more interest from ALL residents- getting them involved
  That codes and policies that protect neighborhoods and quality of life are actually enforced/implemented
  Government entities to really listen to citizens
  Somewhat isolationist attitudes that "my neighborhood or area of town is best" and should get all of the benefits and monetary support from government agencies
  Lack of funds for infrastructure and road building
  More effective government
  Less Good Old Boys control, need new ideas
  City leadership
  Improve business and community relations
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  There should be less influence of business in local government
  Residents don't feel they have a voice - need to educate residents/H.S students to get involved and feel empowered
  Leadership needs to be on an even level
  Local government is the starting point
  Great dissatisfaction with are leadership
  There is a lack of public meeting spaces for engagement/sharing, i.e. the Second Saturday event downtown
  Our local media has become a mouthpiece for business interests and not the community
  Need more media recognition of those that are doing positive things in the community - the success stories should be advertised
  Lack of willingness for the public to get involved beyond their home
  We don't honor and celebrate those who are civically involved and improving their community
  We have less response from council members

Wednesday, February 02, 2011