Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

Raytheon Young Engineers and Scientists Network
Raytheon Campus – 1151 Hermans Rd.,  Tucson
Date of Conversation: Thursday, February 17, 2011  Time: 12:00 – 12:45 PM
Facilitator: Patrick Hartley  Recorder: Camila Thorndike
Number of Tables: 1  Number of Participants: 30
Theme 1. Outdoor Climate
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Clement weather
  Outdoor activities
  No humidity
  The weather
  Quiet clean air
  Great Weather
  The natural beauty
  Warm pools during summer
  Pecan trees in Sahuarita
  Sun and weather
  Mountains and canyons
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Need to take a better advantage of outdoor lifestyle through advertisement, solar power and tourism
  Parks and recreation is great, but drops off in the poor areas
  Great year-round climate
  Excellent outdoor activities
Theme 2. Infrastructure
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  The size of Tucson
  Close to LV and CA
  Close proximity to California, Las Vegas, and Mexico
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Transportation (increase efficiency)
  Driving (streets/traffic flow) Less potholes, better transportation to NE side
  Bad infrastructure - need better roads, need more fire departments, need cheaper utilities
  Roads (transportation) - easily be able to get across town
  Roads (rail transportation)
  Infrastructure - need more highways. Rita Ranch needs public transit to Raytheon airport site
  Traffic control, more large regional parks. Reid and Udall cater to a small portion of the population and a specific demographic
  Streets are bad and more Freeways
  Accessibility to NE Tucson (foothills, Sabino Canyon) Need a highway
  Freeway (more)
  Roads/freeways/more consistency across Tucson/Area around UofA/not such drastic neighborhood changes
  Road infrastructure
  More highways/roads
  More transportation options/less travel time
  Safety - lack of lighting in areas, driving - no easy way to get east/west. Too many bottlenecks. Public transportation to Phoenix
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  "pockets" that aren't meshing together
  Takes so long to drive from East to West
  No master plan for the greater area
  Need to equalize education districts
  Travel time across city East to West is horrendous
  Economic growth is thwarted by growth/change resistance.
  Need to improve and develop South Tucson, reducing crime and improving the local economy
  Need a highway to interconnect the city
  There is resistance to growth/change. We need to allow it
  No master plan for the greater area
Theme 3. Presentation
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  No graffiti - sorry taggers; it's not art
  Crime, illegal activity
  Less trash on the roads
  South Tucson needs to be nicer
  Remove graffiti promptly
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  So I-10 should look nicer (walls all the way down)
  1st impression is important, when you are driving into Tucson
  Bad houses, bad smell, and industry
Theme 4. Jobs and Education
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  My job
  Work (and money)
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Attract companies and entrepreneurs
  More job opportunities
  Education system (except for UofA)
  Jobs (more job opportunities) Education varies
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Concerned for advancement
  Change to fit people's needs - keep people here instead of shipping them out
Theme 5. Culture
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Diverse demographics
  Ethnic food
  Cultural diversity
  Tucson All Souls Parade
  Local scene
  Historic culture
  Outdoor activities (Mt. Lemmon, Sabino, and Madera Canyon etc.)
  Diversity of people
  People (Family/friends)
  Park funding
  Local music
  Different cultures
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Adult nightlife
  Has no diversity
  Downtown - less scary and dumpy at night, more shiny, new, and exciting
  More lively nightlife so I don't have to travel so much
  More nightlife
  Need more social activities
  More community events
  More nightlife
  Create a culture that caters to 25-35 year old, single, educated crowd
  Make downtown more of a destination
  Urban nightlife
  Night life
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Support current cultures while encouraging new ones
  Middle-age nightlife opportunities. College age and older crowd control politics now
  Great opportunities like Broadway, symphony, sports - but can be lost like Sidewinders, Spring Training if not careful and supportive
  Old vs. new cultures - support entrepreneurs and the younger crowd
  Unique Tucson events - keep them
  Raise education levels - stimulate the economy
  Nightlife should include the middle-aged crowd (after college)
  Music - keep what there is, but give more support
  Encourages entrepreneurial opportunities to increase cultural growth
  Preservation of important/popular parts of Tucson culture
  Allows growth (arts and education)
  "Old" culture - doesn't cater to youth, older generation is in control of this region even though U of A brings in youth
  It can improve and encourage lifestyle
  People are more inclined to stay- keep the different cultures in town and bring more here
  Nothing is advertised well
  Better night life and more concerts - always have to drive to Phoenix to go out on the weekend
  Pockets of culture. It doesn't embrace everyone in Tucson. We need to be more intermingled
  More kid-friendly activities for families
  Provide community activities, make it more lively to people here, have things to do on a short-term basis
  Education, infrastructure keeps people here longer
  Creating a culture of accessible community events would promote involvement and support for a wider variety of activities. More opportunities will attract a more diverse group
  A more youthful city center will create a draw for a wide variety of activities. Building on those activities will give people a reason to stay
  An improved sense of community can affect other areas; such as crime and transportation
  Culture is an economic driver. Young people who come for jobs will appreciate the culture of the area
  We are having to spend our money for entertainment away from Tucson
  It's hard for single people to find their mate
  Fees for horse back riding are too high
  More and better concerts- driving to Phoenix is too long
  More activities on weekends and evenings
  Better dress code for night life
  When does Tucson Meet Yourself happen every year?
  Kid friendly activities, parades, Tucson Carnival - needs to be advertised more
  Include everyone in the culture
  More and better advertising
  Could benefit from better live music and clubs, to better theater
  Need to bring in more sporting events, a pro team, or bring back spring training
  Very diverse
  Need more nightlife to keep money from going to Phoenix

Tuesday, March 08, 2011