Imagine Greater Tucson
Phase I Data Gathering

Living Streets Alliance / Watershed Management Group
Ward 6 Office - 3202 East 1st St.,  Tucson
Date of Conversation: Monday, February 24, 2011  Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Facilitator: Joe Silins  Recorder: Arlan Colton
Number of Tables: 1  Number of Participants: 13
Theme 1. Growth Economy
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Encourage mixed-use
  Redirection to a sustainable future
  Improve connectivity
  Remove massive street front parking lots
  Growth dependency
  Need better planning that includes sustainability values
  Less sprawl
  Urban sprawl
  Growth! Too much too fast= unsustainable
  Curb sprawl
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Poorer pavement
  Jobs and services are being cut
  Resources being stretched - greater inequality for students and others
  It motivates you to take action, to improve the situation
  More and more cars affect us as cyclists
  We neglect our developed areas - there are holes in the urban core
  Need leadership to change direction
  Our car culture may not be the best model
  There is a lack of recognition of other development models
  It's destruction of local identity and Quality of Life
  A growth-based economy doesn't respond to peak oil considerations
  We have a refusal to admit resource limits
  There is no recognition of the impact of growth on the environment
  Growth is a cultural assumption
  The number of people who are already here is an unsustainable number
Theme 2. Transportation
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Cycling around town
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Fix the lack of continuous bike and pedestrian lanes
  Alternative transportation to reduce auto use
  Improve bicycling and transportation culture and infrastructure
  I want to connect to Phoenix etc. by train or efficient bus system
  Poor alternative transportation
  Safer, more extensive network of alternative transit routes
  Lack of public/alternative transportation
  I want it safer and easier to get around town without a car
  Car dependency
  Improve bike facilities
  Emphasis on the car in determining direction and extent of expansion (aka too many roads, too wide)
  Road widening
Theme 3. Natural Resources
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Outdoor environment
  Beauty (desert environment)
  Mountains and open space
  Mountains and outdoors
  Seeing nature from the city
  The natural environment
  Surrounding environment
  The climate (monsoons)
  Unique ecosystem
  Environment and climate
  Desert conservation awareness
  Wildlife and natural areas within the urban area
  Sonoran desert
  Unique Sonoran Desert
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Loss of flowing rivers
Theme 4. Local Identity
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Provide information about Tucson for new comers
  Appreciate our underappreciated heritage
Theme 5. Diversity: Culture and Art
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Active lifestyle
  Rich cultural heritage and diversity
  Diversity: ethnicities, languages, cultures, perspectives
  Music (KXCI, free shows like the Tucson Folk Fest, etc.)
  Arts Community
  Economic and cultural diversity
  UofA cultural influence
  Diversity of people and biodiversity
  Diversity "edginess"
  Cultural diversity
  Cultural diversity
Theme 6. Community
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Active (activist) community
  Activist community
  Small town feel with big city amenities
  Grassroots activism
  The people/community
  Small town feel in a city
  Friendly close-knit community
  Downtown neighborhoods and community
  Sense of community
  Friendly people
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Broaden community participation
Theme 7. Economy
 What do you like the most about our community/region?
  Innovative people and non-profit organizations
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Boom and bust economy (mining, development and defense)
Theme 8. Water
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  More water allocated to environment
  Improve water resources
  Water security for environment
  Dependence on water from Colorado River
  Restored ecosystem along urban washes
 Why is this important? How does this affect you?
  Maintain the enjoyment of flowing water
  The way we drive during monsoons - safety on flooded roads and the splashing of bicyclists
  Hotter/discomfort when it doesn't rain; the urban heat island effect
  Flooding is partially the result of the current parking code
  Want to keep the diversity and characteristics of the current plant community
  Important to wildlife and ecosystems
  An overbuilt environment causes flooding
  Climate change will add to the problem
  Impact other systems in addition to our own, i.e. the Colorado River
  Health environment needs healthy watersheds
  Human society depends on a functioning fresh water ecosystem
  Our very survival is dependent on water, it is not a luxury
  Access to clean, potable water is a basic human right
Theme 9. Public Safety
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Safety issues in neighborhoods (walkability, fast cars, no sidewalks)
Theme 10. Equity
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Inequitable distribution of opportunities, resources
  Equality and funding issues for schools
Theme 11. Leadership
 What do you most want to change or improve about our community/region?
  Leadership and efficiency of government
  Lack of forward thinking by government and power structure
  Resistance to change, i.e. sustainability
  Antagonistic jurisdictions

Tuesday, March 15, 2011