IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 1
Increase transportation convenience and reduce time spent in travel.
 "We live in a community of car convenience . . ."
 "When I go into Tucson, I spent a lot of time sitting in traffic."
 "Tucson is so spread out and unfriendly to non car users. It desperately needs an updated metro style public transportation system to enable people to better access it's gifts."
 "Congested roads lead to lost time and accidents."
 "I tend not to socialize or attend activities on the other side of town because of the time involved in getting across town."
 "We live on the east side and it takes forever just to get to the westside to get on I-10."
 "As we grow, it's going to take longer to get everywhere. Buses, bike lanes, carpools only do so much . . . "
 "I want to be able to travel in an efficient, safe, rapid manner to various destinations around town."