IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 20
Improve wages and salaries
 "Better paying jobs."
 "Get more jobs and jobs that pay a decent wage"
 "I was appalled when I moved here and found out what jobs pay."
 "I was laid off in March, and have yet to find good paying job."
 "Increase jobs/opportunities that pay above a living wage"
 "Low paying jobs with no benefits; divisions are sharp between poverty and middle class"
 "More interesting and well paying jobs."
 "Pay raises so teachers don't have to pay out of pocket"
 "If better paying jobs, opportunities were introduced to the area we would see the living standard rise and people feel better about themselves."
 "Without good paying jobs, new community members will not purchase homes from us."
 "A large number of Tucson jobs are in the service industry, which is not often a long-term career goal and generally low-paying."
 "Better paying jobs help the economy, make for a more vibrant community and keep our graduates here."
 "Low paying jobs with no benefits; divisions are sharp between poverty and middle class."
 "We have way too many people in this community that are just barely getting by. This is an otherwise 'easy' and cheap place to live, but only if you have a good-paying job, which we seriously lack. We need a more sustainable economy that provides opportunities"
 "Tucson has been known as a minimum wage town for years. If better paying jobs, opportunities were introduced to the area we would see the living standard rise and people feel better about themselves."
 "I just wish there were better jobs available here for U of A graduates."