Summary Number: 21 |
Press for a well educated workforce |
| "Tucson needs more job opportunities and this will require that the city be known for its educated workforce." |
| "Our P-20 education needs to be a beacon & mecca which will then attract high knowledge, high value employers." |
| "A good education is key to getting a good job which impacts the life style and opportunities that you can provide for your family." |
| "Kids are getting out of school barely qualifying for service jobs." |
| "Lack of a well educated job pool, poor schools make it difficult to recruit high level employees and new industry." |
| "We're seriously lacking in quality education and in our abilty to generate a qualified labor force for the future." |
| "Broadly speaking, I don't think metro Tucson schools are doing an adequate job preparing young people to compete in the global economy. Compound that with our brutally high drop-out rate, and we're headed for trouble. Cheap labor won't cut it for southern AZ." |
| "We need to be better educated as a city; this might attract more businesses with high-paying jobs." |
| "48% of Tucson's Hispanic students do not graduate from high school. There can be no economic development with uneducated and/or untrained workers." |
| "Low-skilled people have fewer job opportunities and quality of life - need to improve skill training in the schools" |
| "All public schools are poorly funded, and as an employer I can tell you first-hand we are graduating a generation of idiots who are ill-prepared for the 21st century." |
| "I don't have children but realize our local schools are not preparing them adequetely for the future. Those who are prepared don't stay here to work. Although I can see the tech park helping, we want local people to qualify to work there." |
| ". . . It is also critical to the quality of growth in our region as it impacts attracting quality jobs to our area. I do not understand why we put such a low priority on K-12 education." |