IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 25
Support and promote the University of Arizona for its positive economic impact on the community
 "The University drives jobs, housing, and the economy."
 "The University is a main economic driver of the region."
 "The UA is the single most important factor in our region's economy�"
 "The University of Arizona has an enormously positive impact on the quality of life and economic productivity in Tucson. It is the single most important institution in the state of Arizona."
 "You can't beat a research one university for pumping grads, research dollars, professional development opportunities, and sports into the local economy. I'm thrilled UA is heading downtown - I'm hopeful they will make the most of this opportunity."
 "Enormous cultural, arts, science, knowledge driver & economic engine & power center of learning"
 "Research and development, positive effect on workforce, provides an economic boost and University of Arizona Athletic program unites our community and provides great entertainment."
 "UA is the driver of our local economy. It is the source of so many 'quality of life' elements (e.g. collegiate athletics, night life, special events) and is a constant fountain of innovation and creativity in our region."
 "The University of Arizona is an excellent research college that brings a lot of attention to Tucson."