Summary Number: 36 |
Value education as a means to improve the quality of our communities |
| "Community must be built on a solid educational foundation. " |
| "I care about future generations. I believe better education will create better safety, better training for future jobs, and more happiness among families and therefore will impact the entire community�" |
| "We need education to reduce poverty" |
| "The educational system is the backbone of any community and will greatly impact the future of Tucson." |
| "I want Tucson to thrive, economically, socially, and educationally. I want us to attract eco-friendly business to a city that values its heritage and its environment. We cannot do that without excellence in education. I want this to be a city I am proud to live in and one that I want to continue to live in." |
| "Young people are our future and we need to educate them better so that they learn how to evaluate, analyse, and solve community, national, and world problems." |