IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 38
Recruit, develop, and elect strong leaders that can articulate and implement a clear vision for our region
 "Bring some leadership to City Hall."
 "More community leadership."
 "Poor leadership continues to drag us down. The people we respect as leaders in our community are not the ones running our government."
 "Our leaders don't lead -- they follow the wind."
 "The current form of government does not inspire or promote political and civic leadership. We have lived in many other cities and have found from personal experience that strong mayor cities get things done, are more progressive, and more accountable."
 "The Tucson leadership and community lacks the vision to shape the city into something other than a loose conglomeration of housing areas. Streets are eyesores. The downtown is an embarrassment."
 "We have no leadership that is willing to take the risks, move forward, be progressive."
 "Tucson needs clear vision and identity � brand � planning downtown."
 "There is a huge void in leadership and a resulting lack of vision. Our politicians and civic leaders keep trying to be all things to all people. There is no political will to bite the bullet and do the things that are necessary to move our community forward."
 "There isn't a cohesive group of individuals who are leading Tucson. There's no unified vision of what a future Tucson should look for and there is no will to see it through�"
 "I have lived here for 30 years and we're still fighting about the same issues today as we were back then. We need true leaders in our community. It's time to vote in people that want the best for our entire region, not just their neighborhood interests. We need visionaries from the public, private, and educational sectors."