IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 39
Improve intergovernmental relationships, increase cooperation, and adopt a more regional outlook
 "There is too much politics between jurisdictions. All are fighting over resources and tax base. Can't we all get along and follow a common vision?"
 "Tucson, the city limits, is only a small part of our metropolitan whole. We need to work together--the city and the unincorporated county--to keep this a great place to live. Our city and county govts. are distressingly unfunctional."
 "The city and county need to work as one to create a vibrant, active community where people and businesses actually want to move back into the city's center."
 "There is no regional vision. All jurisdictions seem to work independently and against each other on major issues."
 "We have two forces trying to govern that seem to be opposing forces."
 "Tucson is really five incorporated cities (Tucson, South Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley & Sahuarita) and a large area that is unincorporated Pima County. The time, effort and money spent either duplicating efforts and/or 'fighting' over issues is wasteful. Stronger regional cooperation is essential."
 "Merge city and county governments."
 "Sheriff and TPD, PPC Parks and Rec and COT Parks and Rec. Why? Combine more government agencies!"
 "As a group of geographically proximate cities, we all seem to bash each other, compare ourselves to each other, and generally promote an us versus them attitude that does not foster a cooperative environment."
 "The infighting between local governments is creating a lack of opportunities to recruit businesses and create new jobs for the future of the community."
 "Better regional cooperation and sharing of power, resources, information and personnel among the governments - not be afraid to seek private partners to accomplish projects"