IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 4
Increase the viability and safety of biking as a mode of transportation.
 "I appreciate the city's willingness to provide decent routes for those who choose to ride a bicycle."
 "The primary consideration in transportation is the automobile, but that isn't sustainable. We need better ways to bike and walk to our destinations."
 "Bike and ped planning included in transportation planning . . "
 "Cars and bikes need to know how to treat each other."
 "Cycling in Tucson is dangerous since the bike routes are unclear and often bike lanes disappear at busy intersections."
 "Existing bike paths don't have lights or are broken. Dark alley ways are not safe, especially for a young woman. Aviation bike path in particular."
 "Get cyclists along the road to realize they are a bicycle and not master of the asphalt domain."
 "Continuing to create good NS and EW corridors like 3rd street bike boulevard."