Summary Number: 54 |
Maintain accessibility to open space and recreation opportunities for all the region’s residents |
| "Its beauty, its easy accessibility, and climate. A ten minute drive to a beautiful hike" |
| "I can access the natural environment easily in a number of ways - hiking, driving, viewing" |
| "I love being able to get on a trail and feel like I am out of town, without really being 'out of town'." |
| "Tucson is wicked beautiful. I love walking the Rillito River trail with my dog every morning and evening. I love being surrounded by beautiful mountains. I love that everyone else in Tucson loves to be outside!" |
| "Accessibility to the desert and mountains." |
| "Having nature available improves the quality of life." |
| "Federal lands mean access for all income levels." |
| "Like the access to nature." |
| "I think we should preserve some desert spots for people to be able to go to for recreational purposes." |
| "Hiking trails, intimate garden settings - TBG, Tohono Chul, AZ Inn, etc. Diversity of mountains, birds & wildlife, golfing opportunities; I can be outside every day here." |
| "I'm a healthy, active outdoor person and the natural local beauty is an easy integral part of life here." |
| "I love to hike and get out into nature. I feel more calm and at peace when I am hiking. Having nearby trails that are easily accessible is important to me." |
| "Like the State recognizing the need to promote open affordable spaces." |