IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 56
Expand and improve local park systems
 "Lack of interior parks space."
 "More parks and linear parks."
 "Some don't have parks in their neighborhoods. So how can you encourage kids to go out? The Church does have a basketball court. City could help neighborhood get a park."
 "Well maintained parks are important."
 "I think the park system is very good and hope it will continue to improve."
 "Keep building parks and open spaces as the city grows."
 "Add more parks in the city limits - we would all benefit. The river walk is wonderful and could be extended."
 "More parks so children can have a place to play."
 "In all the local parks I've visited, all have been well laid out, clean and provide what I feel to be a safe place for me to exercise outdoors. The people I encounter also add to the experience."
 "We either need cleaner parks or just more of them."
 "Before moving here, I would often walk for exercise at local parks. In Tucson, I don't feel safe doing this by myself, and the parks are not very beautiful or serene."
 "Whether it's parks for kids, or senior league baseball, there is something here for everyone."
 "I thoroughly enjoy being outside and I know that it is important that everyone has access to fresh air in a safe place. Tucson is woefully deficient in park land. Connecting the linear parks along all our waterways is a big step."