IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 63
Reduce Divisive, Polarized and Negative Comments and Relationships
 "My word! Where did these nasty people come from?! Disagree, but take your hatefulness, racism and other prejudices elsewhere."
 "Incivility in civil discourse, especially through email and the internet"
 "Whether it's in traffic, in line at a store, or in many other settings, many people here seem grumpy and rude to each other much of the time. We seem to lack compassion for our common man."
 "I am new here (3-4 years), but all of the finger pointing and accusing over the past is not doing any of us any good."
 "Stop the blaming and vitriolic in-fighting among people."
 "Schools at center of community is no longer valued � need to reverse it"
 "Even adjacent neighborhoods 'don't cross the road' "
 "There seems to be few links between the foothills, downtown, south tucson, the west side etc. It's important to be interconnected to really take broad community action for change"
 "Dumb, opinionated people and politicians who listen to them"
 "Removing partisan politics may help with the election of qualified candidates. This Dem/Rep divide is hurting us and is unnecessary on a local level."
 "We organize ourselves in small worlds (ex: gated communities)"
 "Ethnic separation"
 "Tucson has a business culture which fosters a win/lose attitude in business transactions/relationships. It is difficult to make a living when the culture fosters beating the other side bloody."