IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 64
Protect, expand and promote the positive image and reputation of the Tucson Region
 "The uniqueness of our Sonoran Desert. We have plants and animals that are only found here. The quality of air and light."
 "Tucsonans are welcoming, giving, thoughtful, and just a little weird. I love the small things about Tucson that make it slightly quirky and just fun . . ."
 "Western tradition"
 "It is the one thing that makes Tucson unique and also the very thing that made me buy a house here 5 years ago. Natural beauty."
 "Everyone says the same thing about Tucson: compared to the east coast the pace is a refreshing and welcoming change. Even though there's always something to do, the city has a more laid-back vibe to it."
 "I've lived in overcrowded cities back east where all you can see of the sky was a narrow strip above the canyons of buildings or through overgrown, cramped streets and highways. The open sky really feels like there's room to move and breathe. The mountains also help to ground the city and give a sense of place."
 "Tucson has an amazing array of prehistoric and historic sites, as well as a diverse range of ethnicities and races. It is a place unlike any other in the United States."
 ". . . friendly people for the most part, not like the big city hassels/attitude"
 "This community comes together at times of need both within the Tucson area and when the need is elsewhere in our country and the world. This is in addition to my family and friends that provide my personal support system."
 "The Hispanic music, art, festivals, and food are unique and precious."
 ". . . an ordinary look, behavior and quality means more of a live and let live attitude; less of an interest to compete; to be like some other place; to be something other than what we are."
 ". . . no where else is there Sonoran desert but here, it is harsh but beautiful - it is the main reason I stay here."
 "Saguaro cactus is awesome - cultural icon of the Wild West"
 "Local festivals and traditions give this city it's own flavor. Events like All Souls Procession and the 4th Ave. St. Fair bring the community together allowing for collective energies to form. This is another avenue in which our community connects and stays within itself rather than seeking pleasure from televised or non local events. It's important to me because it builds a cultural flavor that's unique to Tucson."
 "I like living in a University city. It brings a great deal of enthusiasm for sports, arts and research. There are many offerings for all ages."