IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 68
Promote, expand and protect cultural events in the region
 "The mix of people and cultures and the food, music, languages and arts they represent make Tucson a great place to live. That includes our heritage and our urban night life/arts scene."
 "Tucson Meet Yourself celebrates the multicultural fiber of Tucson. I like the feeling that we all appreciate our cultural backgrounds but we are all Tucsonans and Americans."
 "As a citizen who likes to grow continually and to participate in a positive manner in my environment, I enjoy community events that draw various ethnic & cultural groups together to share our uniqueness & our common commitment to our community."
 "Better communication of community events"
 "I appreciate traditional annual events, e.g. Winterhaven, Tucson Meet Yourself (which is WAY better this year), 4 Ave street fair, Saturday night art walks, etc. It makes the city feel alive and vibrant, fosters community feel."
 "Events show pride in Tucson"
 "For a city of this size there seems to be an amazing number of opportunities to go to musical events, arts events, festivals, and collegiate sports. All that's missing is major league type sporting events."
 "For a city this size, Tucson lacks a lot. Great restaurants, shopping, events.... I usually go to Phoenix, or further, for these things. I like interesting restaurants, good art exhibits, etc, and the selection in Tucson is very slim."
 "There is so much to do here, ranging from art of all kinds, music of all kinds, volunteer opportunities, outdoor activities, etc. If you can't find something to do here, you are just too lazy to get off of your fat ass."
 "I appreciate all the diverse cultural events - Greek Festival, Dia de San Juan, Native Pow Wow."