IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 7
Reduce the travel distance to desired destinations.
 "We shouldn't have to travel far from our homes to work and play."
 "Accessibility is low. So it hurts jobs and growth"
 "Very spread out. Cars are necessary because distances are not walkable."
 "More youth activities spread out across town - not just downtown"
 "The methods in which grocery stores are placed."
 "I'd like to think that I don't need to use a car for local trips."
 "It would be easier to experience the arts if there were an arts district in Tucson, now it is all spread out."
 "I would love to live in a more urban environment. Even mid-town feels like suburbia to me. I want to be able to walk to most destinations, like stores, services etc."