IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 72
Ensure access to a wide range of health promotion activities and services
 "The climate allows us to enjoy so many outdoor activities, it allows us all to live a healthier, more active life"
 "I am so much healthier here. I feel good here, my family also. We are able to take advantage of the natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities."
 "Health and fitess is important and weather is ideal for it"
 "Health and Wellness"
 "I find solace and spiritual uplift from nature as well as a feeling of health and well-being."
 "If we don't have health, we can't work or make our community better"
 "Increased mental health and mental health education services"
 "Pre-natal and minor child health affects education and trickles down - availability of good nutrition"
 "Its wonderful to find acupuncturists and herbalists that are knowledgeable and even regular doctors seem able to talk about alternative solutions besides drugs."
 "Good, local food � e.g. Farmer's Market"