IGTIGT Phase I Summary Statements - Draft 2/18/11

Summary Number: 9
Make our region more pedestrian friendly and safer to walk.
 "We need to get more people off the roads and make Tucson a more pedestrian friendly environment. Hopefully the modern streetcar project will go towards achieving these goals."
 "Every time i walk home i always walk in the dirt and every time it rains my shoes muddy and dirt."
 ". . . there are no sidewalks or lights in my neighborhood . . ."
 "We need more walk friendly areas like 4th Av"
 "More trees and walkways so I can walk when it's hot."
 "More bicycle & pedestrian friendly streets"
 "Crosswalks on Euclid by U of A = dangerous - buses not stopping on main streets blocking traffic"
 "Hard to find places for children to walk around without a parent and feel they are safe."
 "Change the layout of public transportation and pedestrian crossings (build bridges for the mid-block crosswalks to cut down on fatalities and accidents)."
 "I use the sidewalk to remain alive when commuting to work downtown."
 "Creating neighborhood hubs where grocery stores, drugstores, department stores and other necessities are within walking distance would encourage neighbors knowing neighbors and reduce the problems caused by automobiles."
 "Smart growth = social connections should be fostered; walkability, aging in place"
 "Tucson is not a walkable city and it is necessary to drive EVERYWHERE."
 "Enlarge upon the community culture of walking"