Ijams family connection with Vice President Richard B. Cheney
- The Thomas Herbert Cheney family came to Ohio from New Hampshire\Massachusetts. In Indiana he married Margaret Ellen Tyler 1877. There were two Margaret Ellen Tylers 1755 & one in 1877. Margaret Ellen Tyler b. 1877 was the daughter of James Alexander Tyler and Sarah Elizabeth Swift. James Alexander Tyler was the s/o Willett Tyler and Rachel Montgomery. Willet was the s/o Robert Tyler 1733 and Sarah Prichard. Robert Tyler 1733 was a s/o Robert Duval 'Langley' Tyler and Margaret Tyler 1755.
- Richard Herbert Cheney b.1869 m. Margaret Tyler 1877. This Richard was married twice and Richard b.1915 is of the second marriage.
- Richard Herbert Cheney b 1915 m Marjorie Lorraine Dickey
- Richard Bruce Cheney b. 1941 m. Lynne Anne Vincent (RI)