
Ijams family connection with Vice President Richard B. Cheney

  1. The Thomas Herbert Cheney family came to Ohio from New Hampshire\Massachusetts. In Indiana he married Margaret Ellen Tyler 1877. There were two Margaret Ellen Tylers 1755 & one in 1877. Margaret Ellen Tyler b. 1877 was the daughter of James Alexander Tyler and Sarah Elizabeth Swift. James Alexander Tyler was the s/o Willett Tyler and Rachel Montgomery. Willet was the s/o Robert Tyler 1733 and Sarah Prichard. Robert Tyler 1733 was a s/o Robert Duval 'Langley' Tyler and Margaret Tyler 1755.
  2. Richard Herbert Cheney b.1869 m. Margaret Tyler 1877. This Richard was married twice and Richard b.1915 is of the second marriage.
  3. Richard Herbert Cheney b 1915 m Marjorie Lorraine Dickey
  4. Richard Bruce Cheney b. 1941 m. Lynne Anne Vincent (RI)